We’re all aware of everything that is going on in the world right now. A brief visit to social media is all we need to remind us of the pain, fear, and suffering that so many across our world are experiencing each day.
Humans and animals alike are suffering and, between our collective guilt as part of humanity and the sense of overwhelm that comes from bearing witness to so much pain, it’s easy to find ourselves feeling as though we’re just not doing enough – as though nothing we do will ever be enough.
And when it comes to the non-tangible, energetic side of Project Earthwork, perhaps it’s also easy to look the other way, convinced that there are “better” and more practical ways to make a difference.
For starters let me tell you that myself and the Project Earthwork team are not against giving practical support to our planet and those who call Her home wherever we can. It’s why we invite you to donate to the charities that make a practical difference as and where you can, and why you’ll see as many suggestions for physically supporting your local habitats as you will energetically over on our Gridkeepers page.
However, that’s not to say that the energetic work is unimportant – far from it! In fact, here at Project Earthwork, we’re firmly of the opinion that goings-on around the world right now make that energetic work more important than ever!

Think about your own home and the ways a messy house can affect your mood and the ways that you interact with those around you. Because I don’t know about you, but when the area around me feels messy and uncared for, I am not my best self. I’m grumpy, sad, and definitely not in a place to take care of those around me to the best of my ability.
In many ways, this is the effect that our unhealed Earth grids can have on us, the world around us, and on everything and everyone that calls this planet Home.
So when we do the energetic work that supports us to clear the Earth grids, we aren’t only doing a simple meditation, ritual, or visualisation, we are doing the housekeeping work that we and our planet so desperately need.
We are, all of us, worthy of happiness, health, and safety, and an important part of that is in having a happy, clean, and thriving home.
And aren’t our homes of all shapes and sizes worthy of being happy, healthy, and safe too?
Because when our planet thrives, we all have a better chance to thrive.
Love Ceryn x